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Joyful Noise

WELCOME TO THE JOYFUL NOISE PODCAST!! In this day and age, it seems as if millions of noises constantly feed into essentially every aspect of our lives. If you think about it, everything our tiny world revolves around is based on the voices and noises that lead the way. You, my friend, may or may not even be one of those leading voices in someone else's world. My question to you is, what is the impact of your noise? Not only in the lives of others but your life as well? Your noise is unlike any other and has been predestined with purpose. The primary goal of this podcast is to encourage you with Biblical truths surrounding various identity and purpose-related conversations that will, hopefully, challenge you to pursue Christ deeper and equip and empower you to live out your own joyful noise boldly and confidently! So, turn up the volume and join the journey of the Joyful Noise podcast! 

Joyful Noise

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